Dr. Markus Büchler

Dr. Markus Büchler

Dr. Markus Büchler
Materials Scientist ETH Zurich
+41 44 213 15 95



Since 2000 Employed at the Swiss Society for Corrosion Protection


Fields of activities

Cathodic corrosion protection
Stray current and AC corrosion, electrical grounding
Materials technology

Education and training

1998 - 2000 Postdoc at the University of Minnesota at the Institute of corrosion
1994 - 1998 Dissertation at the Institute for Building Materials, Materials Chemistry and Corrosion at ETH Zurich DISS ETH Nr. 12504
1990 - 1994 Studied materials engineering at the ETH Zurich


Participation in technical committees

CEOCOR (European Committee for the study of corrosion of pipelines), President of the Commission 2: External Corrosion
CEN TC219 Member: Cathodic Corrosion Protection
Convener of ISO TC 156 WG10 Cathodic protection of buried and submerged structures


Personal certification

CCP level 5 for land-based metal installations in accordance with DIN EN ISO 15257:2017 (fkks cert gmbh)